Albert Ventura


Day 1:
Resultat d'imatges de howthToday I woke up at 6:30 and I went to the school where I met with my year. From there, a bus gave us a lift to the airport. Although there was a traffic jam, we arrived on time to take the flight. In about 2 hours and a half, we arrived to dublin airport. 
There, we went to Howth that is a small costal city from the Dublin county. We hung out for awhile arround the city with friend and I also worked on the questions of the bucklet conjointly with my team.  
From there, we moved to the Malahide Castle where spent a few minutes walking arround its gardens. Then we got in a bus which drove us to the meeting point where the hosts families picked us up. 
Resultat d'imatges de malahideMy house mate, Pol, and I, made it to our host family house. Firstly, we met the family and had dinner with them and then we went upstairs to settle our stuff. We spent half evening playing with the family children, gaining their trusth, and then we met some spanish clasmates at the meeting point. 

At 9:30 we came back home and we just chilled untill we fell asleep.

Day 2:
Resultat d'imatges de dublinI woke up as later as I could and then I got ready so fast. Pol and I went to the meeting point by walking because we lived near it. There, we took the bus toward Dublin where we spent the day. We did a tour arround the city of its history. When we finished we had the time left untill we came back to Sowrds, to visit the city and go shopping. 
Resultat d'imatges de dublin
We arrived home at 6:30, a little bit later than we expected but we still had enough time to sort out ourselves and then met our friends. We went to a park near the meeting point. There we palyed music, we were chilling. It was at that moment that a gang of knackers with who we where playing football, started looking for fight and they ended up punching evreyone for no reason. Fortunately, we could stop them.
Pol and I came back home, I was a little bit worried but I went to sleep and I forgot about everthing.

Day 3:
Resultat d'imatges de trim castleResultat d'imatges de guinness storehouseI woke up at 8 am and I got ready to set off the day. Pol and I went to the meeting point, as always. There, the teacher splitted us up in two groups. I was in the second one.  My group and I, took the bus which drove us to the Guiness Store House. We visited the museum of Guiness and then we had some free time. From there, we went to the Trim Castle. Firstly, we had time to have lunch and rest and then a guy expleined us all about the war and weapons. Finally, we walked arround the ruins of the castle with a guide. 

Resultat d'imatges de hill of tara
In the evening, the bus drove us to the Hill of Tara, one of the more mistics places of the world. To start, we watched a short film about it and then a guide showed us the place. Continuously, the teachers allowed us to lie down a few minutes which I employed to take some shoots of the landscape. That place was amazing, unfortunatly it was so windy and we ran out of time, so we had to come back to Swords.
That evening happened something atonishing, the same gang of yesterday organaized a ambush surrounding all the year in a park and attacking us. They suddenly turned up at the park where we were chilling and they start punching everyone who faced them and also they ran after some of us and everyone who was reached by them was attacked. It ended up with a disaster, the whole year was shocked and scared.
When everithing was calmer and solved I went home with Pol and I fell asleep.

Day 4:
I woke up in beast mode at 8 am. I had breakfast and Pol and I went to the meeting point by car due to what happened the day before.

Resultat d'imatges de trinity collegeWe met there and we took the bus which gave us a lift to Dublin. When we arrived we visited the Trininty collage library where the Book of Kelly's is kept. We had 1h to spend in there and then we did a tour arroud the collage. Secondly, we went from the Trinity Collaeg to the Barracks Museum by a long walk along a street beside the river. While we were walking it suddenly started to pour down. It catched me off-guard, so by the time we arrived I was soak. After drying up my clothes I visited the museum, which was about the Easter Rising. The Museum was there just for a limited time to mark the 101st anniversary of the Easter Rising. The tour got us on for 2 hour and then we waited for the other groups.
Finally, we took the bus back to Swords. There, Pol and I spent the evening chilling in our bedroom and playing with the family because we weren´t allowed to leave home due to what happened the night before.

Day 5:
Resultat d'imatges de glendaloughI woke up as later as I could because last night I hadn't sleep so well. I got ready and Pol and I left home and started walking toward the meeting point. Continously, we got in the bus which drove us to Powerscourt Gardens. There we visited the park and then we had some free time. After that, we went to Glendalough by bus. When we arrived, firstly we watched a video about it and its history and then a guide showed us the place. Then we took the bus back to Sowrds, As the day before we had to stay at home the whole evening, it was boring but finally I went to sleep.

Day 6:
Resultat d'imatges de gaelic sportsI woke up so tried beacuse we had been walking a lot since we arrived. Pol and I got ready for the day, we packed our stuff for the Gaelic Games and we left home. We met at the meeting point and we got in the bus which gave us a lift to Dublin. The first activity was a political tour arround the city and then we had more free time. Then we took the bus toward a sport center where we spent the evening playing Gaelic games. We finally came back to home. It was the last night there so we packed everithing and we went to sleep.

Resultat d'imatges de phoenix park Day 7:
I woke up earlier to finish packing my suitcase and to ensure that I wasn´t missing anything. When Pol and I were ready, we say goodbye to our host family and the host mother gave us a lift to the meeting point. There we loaded the bus with our suitcases and we went to Dublin again. There, the teacher gave us more free time and also another choiche which was to do a gymkhana. My friends and I decided to give a try with it to kill time. After that we went to the biggest park in the world. We had lunch there and then we went to the airport. At 6:30 we were taking off, so we landed in Barcelona about 10 pm. That was the end of the trip, we met with our parents after one week abroad.

My host family was made up of 4 members. The mother, Sharon, who is 37 years old and lives on inflatables. She enjoys her free time reading and cooking good meals for her children. The father, Carlos, who is 40 years old and has a plumbing business. He spend his free time working out and with his children. They have a two childrens, The older, the son, Max, who is 11 years old and loves watching videos on Youtube. The youngest, the daughter, Ibon, who is 6 years old and loves playing football and watching TV.

The irish experience wasn´t new for me because I went to Ireland to study for one trimester so I was already used to it, nothing was new for me. Even so, I missed the spanish food and the portion of food that I'm used to eating in Spain. I also missed the weather of Spain, still more now, that we are getting closer to the summer holidays.
The thing I loved the most of the trip was the company and the thing I hate the most was those long walks and the lack of activities to fill the free time.
Now that I've been twice in Ireland, I wouldn´t come back because it makes me depress due to the bad weather, the lifestyle, the food, and many more reasons.
Honestly, If I had to give myself a mark for the overall of the project, I would give to myself a 7.5 because I haven´t been working as harder as I was asked during the tours, but I was trying to understand what the guide was showing us. Apart from the tours, then at home I've been working hard on my daily tasks and team projects and I think they have a great content.
On the other hand, I think I had I a quite good behavior, however I had my bad moments.

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