Nacho Rodríguez


We are finally at Dublin! After a plain and two buses, we have arrived at Howth. We had lunch there, and we had time to visit the port, also we asked some questions about Howth to the people who live there. When we were leaving, it start to rain, and we had to run. We only have seen one seal, but we were already in the bus and we had to leave.

Resultado de imagen de howth

Then we went to the Malahide Castle, after some partners explained us a little bit about this place, we had some free time to spend in the gardens. It was no sunny, but we could be there and have fun, play or listen to music.

Resultado de imagen de malahide castle

It has been a great day, it's good to be finally here, after a lot of months waiting, I think it will would be a great trip


Today we have been in Dublin, we have had a long and exciting walking tour between the little streets and we have learned a lot of Irish history and culture. Then we went to the Trinity College to have lunch and to see if Dubliners knew as Irish culture as us. I liked a lot Trinity College, it so big and so beautiful and maybe one of the best of Europe. What I liked most it was the architecture, that was amazing.

Resultado de imagen de trinity college

Finally, we spend some time in a street with a lot of Pub's, we visited the famous Temple Bar and we asked to people to sing gaelic songs, it cost a little bit find a Dubliner who could help us in a tourist street, but finally we achieved it. It was amazing, the street is how I imagine Dublin, the only problem is that there are more tourist than Dubliners.

Resultado de imagen de temple bar

It has been a tiring day, but it was worth, we are waiting for another exciting day as this one.


Today has been one of the most complete days, we have done lots of activitys. First we went to the Guiness store, we had some free time to see the the big store and museum and buy some souvenirs. I'd liked the third floor that have advertismes.

Resultado de imagen de guinness storehouse inside

Then we went to the Trim Castle and we had a guide who explained us about the castle history, it was so boring but interesting and a guy who show us tipical weapons of the Middle Ages, it was so funny and we could touch the weapons.

Resultat d'imatges de trim castle

Finally we went to Hill of Tara, after a good film and resum of what is Tara, we went ooutside to visit it and film a little movie.

Resultado de imagen de hill of tara

It has been one of my favourites days, lot of free time and lot of activities in some wonderful places that Dublin hides.


Today we have been in Trinity College and in Barracks Museum. In Trinity we have visited a great exposition about the Book of Kells and the Long Room. I find the Long Room so interesting and so beautiful.

Resultado de imagen de long room trinity college

When we arrived at the museum we were all a little bit wed because of the rain, but we enjoyed the visit as well. The rain has been annoying, but when we were in the museum, it stopped raining and we were able to return normally.
The museum was so different to other. Despite of we were all so tired it had been a great visit and well organised.
Resultat d'imatges de barracks museum
It has been a strange day but it have been great.

On this day we went to Powerscourt Garden, it was beautiful, and we have had a tour to visit the place, was the best tour we had in Dublin, short but all was interesting and necessary. We had then some time to spend in the most beautiful place that I've ever seen in Dublin
Resultat d'imatges de powerscourt

Then we went to Glendalough lake, we continued the tour and was as great as before, but when we arrived to the lake, it wasn't great because of the wind. We had to leave so early and we couldn't enjoy the visit.

Resultat d'imatges de glendalough


Today we have been in Dublin doing the last walking tour. This one has been better and funniest than the other one. We had been talking about politics and obviously about the Great Famine that have been the topic.

Resultat d'imatges de great famine

Also, in the afternoon, we went to try some gaelics games. Probably it had been one of my favourites activities in Dublin. Gaelic football, hurling and handball are so funny, the only promblem is that we didn't had time enough to play. I'd like a lot these games, are so interesting and funny, 

Resultat d'imatges de gaelic games


On the last day we had free time to spend in the city, go to the shop or places we had liked, we also had time to have lunch in a park and more free time.

Then our trip will be finished in the airport where he returned to Barcelona

Family Life:

We had a great family. They were so friendly and we could talk with them about anything, we had so interesting conversations, and we had a great time in that house. The mother Sandra talks a lot and cooks so well, she was the person who was responsible of us, Andy who was the father also was with us, and he explain us facts about Ireland like the governament there or how was created the name of U2. Then, the son, Christopher, who seems be so shy, was so talkative and we could spend some great time with him. The family wasn't so active, insted of Christopher, who was sporty. He is training for the Triathlon.

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