Inés Ollé

                                                        DAILY POST:

First day: 8.06.2017

Today we've finally arrived in Dublin! But to get in here we've had to move some steps. 
First of all, we 'vemet at school at 7:00 a.m to make sure we have the right documentation to fly to our destination, Dublin. 
Our flight was leaving at 10:20 a.m, so we've arrived at the airport at 8:30. After that we've passed all controls and then we've taken off. 
After two hours flying we've landed.

Straightaway, we've made out first trip, which ws going to Howth. Despite the rainny day we've had, this village it's very nice place. We've had had to do an interview to a random person about Howth. What i'm gonna say it doesn't have any direct relation with Howth, but it's been a funny fact. We've seen a seal! I know it sounds weird, but I've never seen one of them. 

Then, we've went to Malahide Castle. If I have to chose the best activity from all of them I would say that is this amazing castle. I think that in the future I'm gonna live in this Castle. I'm literally in love with this place. A part from the big garden, I've loved the strucure of the building, since it has romantic and gotic architecture. 

Finally, we've met our family. They're very friendly and there is also another girl from German who is staying with us. She has been living here for seven weeks. They are very kind and I'm grateful that I'm staying with them all week!

Second day: 09.06.2017

Today it's been an incredible day! I personally was a little bit tired because of the arriving day. Despite the fact that it's been a busy day, we've made a big profit. 

First of all, we've done a walking tour around the city of Dublin. This city is a very beautiful place, which has a lot of history  to discover. There was a guide who has explained the history of Dublin. He has told us facts that are very interesting and which had a crucial position when refering to the Dublin changes. 

This tour has taken us more or less until 12:30 p.m. After that we've had some free time to go shopping and buy some nice souvenirs. Then we've gone to the Temple Bar, where we've had to ask some questions to random people. That's been my favourite part  since we've had some fan asking the questions. The best question it's been the one in which people have had to sing us an Irish song.

Resultat d'imatges de temple bar dublin

Before going to the bus, me and my friends have went to Sturbacks where we've had some problems with the WC. That's also been a very funny fact.

Finally, we've went to the bus and now we're tired, but also ready for a new day!

Third day: 10.06.2017

Another day in Dublin! It's been an incredible day! Although we've been all day walking in a windy weather, it's been interesting. 
We've been divided in two groups. I was in the second group and firstly we've went to Guinness shop house. It's beautiful to see and we've had some time to explore through the mueseum. Their shop is a bit expensive. However, I've bought some souvenirs. The Guinness has also catched my attention as it's an enormous building.

After the Guinness shop house, we've gone to the village of Trim, where we've joined the other part of the course. There, we've had lunch and then me and my group we've went to visit the village following a guide. The guide has told us the historical facts about Trim and his Castle. 
Next, we've had a little weapons class, where we've learnt how to recognise different armament from the Middle Age. 

Immediatly, we've went to Hill of Tara by bus. There, we've seen a short documentary of the Hill of Tara's history and his legends. We've also had a guide who explained us those stories. Personally it's been my favourite part since I've loved the landscapes and all the legends.

In the end, we've gone to bus and we've had some sleep after the busy day. To conclude, it's been a great day. 

Fourth day: 11.06.2017

Today it's been farly the busiest day of all we've been here. We haven't stopped at all. 
To start wtih, we have met at the meeting point to talk about what has happened the day before, in which we had problems with some Irish teenagers. 

After discussing about that, we've started our day with ilusion and with entusiasm. We've gone to Trinity college. We've entered in the Book of Kells and then in the Long Room. This library it's amaizing! I'm literally amazed with the high of it. Immediately, we've done a guide tour with a very nice guide. It's been interesting and he's told us some curious facts about the university. When we have finished we were already tired, but we'va continued with our trips. 

Then we've visited the museum called the Barraks Museum. It's been a bit more boring than the trip before, but it was interesting. 

Now, after all had happened yesterday, we have to be positive with all we had lived in Dublin and enjoy the folloing days. 

Fifth day: 12.06.2017

Today it's been one of my favourites days since we've visited beautiful places. Those places were: the Powercourt Gardens and Glendalough.

The Powercourt Gardens it's an amazing house, where there is an enormous garden with different cultures. Those cultures where: Spanish, Japanise, Ireland... They were all incredible. When you were inside those gardens you could feel as if you were somewhere else and where you could relax. 

Today we've also had a guide who has explained all the histroy about this fascinating house. The same guide has guided us through Glendalough. It was a pleasing place, where you could feel safe and calm. We've learnt some legends and superstitious facts about this area. 

Finally we went to the bus to have a long sleep until we arrived at the meeting point. 

Sixth day: 13.06.2017

Today we've done another walking tour around Dublin. We've also had a guide who has explained us more things about this city.

We've walked next to the river of Dublin called Liffey. There the guide has told us some interesting facts about history, but particularly about the Great Famine. It was a very hard moment for all of those who were sleeping in the streets without food. Those who lived in poverty had to ate theri animals, otherwise the would had died at the moment.

The guide has told us that the majority of this poor people were Irish people since the british had conquered Ireland years ago. All this people wanted to leave the country, but the only way was by boat, which wasn't prepared for transporting persons. 

This stroy is terrible as you can imagine all those people living as they could, even though they knew they were going to die. 

It's been another incredible day here in Dublin. Tomorrow it's the last day we're staying so we will make a profit! 

In the afternoon we've done some Gaelic Games, which I loved. 

Resultat d'imatges de gaelic games

The following day we did some tourism around the city and we had the option to do an activity. 
It's been an awesome trip and I had as fun as I've learnt more about the beautiful country of Ireland. 


Name of family member: 

The main persons we were staying with are called Sandra and Joe Cullen. She's the mother of two girls, who were around our age. 

Status in the family: 

The first day she piked up us from the meeting point. During the hole week we've been having breakfast and dinner with another girl called Isabella. She's 24 years old and she's from German. 
We talked a lot about our lifes, our hobbies and also about our problems. 
She is a very nice person and I'm glad we had her while we were staying in Dublin. 

The rest of the family wasn't that close to us, but they looked after us every single day. Otherwise they were a little bit distant, they were very kind with us.


The mother is a nurse and she works during all week from dawn to dask. Her husband has the aeronautic industry title. 


One of the hobbies we know is that the mother trains canoe with a group of her age and on Sunday she is in competitions. 
Joe, who is the family father, likes going to the gym since he has some equipment at home. 


My Irish experience it's been awesome! Since I saw the trip presentation I knew that I would love it. What I've enjoyed the most were those moments at night when me and my friend, Julia and Laia laughted and had fan. I've missed not having more free time when we were on the Powerscourt Gardens since they were what I liked the most. I would repeat the Malahide Caste as it was beautiful. 

What struck me the most was the Great Famine of Ireland since is wasn't aware of the seriouness. Finally I would like to come back, but I would opt to go to another town. Although it was nice, we had some problems that in the future I would like to avoid. 

From my point of view, I think I've been doing all what I had to do and all that I've been told. I would give myself a mark of 8-9 since I've worked hard during the hole week and I've been paying attention at the guide's explanations.

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