Maria Martinez-Abarca

Hello to my personal page. Here I’ll go to post all my experiences in Dublin. My name is Maria Martinez-Abarca, I'm from Sant Cugat. My hobbies are riding horses, go shopping and meet with friends.


Today, I’ve woken up at 6:30 in the morning I had my breakfast and my family and I have gone to the meeting point where all my friends were waiting to take the bus to bring us to the airport. Once we were there, our plane took off an hour late and finally we have landed at 14:00h in Dublin Airport. We took a bus that bring us to Howth. The teachers let us some free time to have lunch and for complete some of the questions that we have to make.

We also went to see a Malahide castle a group explained a little about it.

finally, the time to meet our families had arriver. Our host mother came to bring Laura, Sandra, Marta and I to ourhost house. My first impression to see them was good, they are very formal and nice people.


This morning , we have met with our group and the teachers at the meeting point at 8:15 am in the mornig, where we have caught the bus for bring us to Dublin and start the guide visit around the city. The guide explain us interesting things about the country during we were doing the tour. In the affernoon, we went to a very particular neighborhood, Tempel Bar. It was a very a very friendly ambient!


Today I woke up at 7:35 am, because of the figt of the las night i couldn't sleep well so it has been hard to woke up. Finally, once we've had our breakfast and have all done, we have left at 8:30.

With group 2 i went to the Guinness Store House, it has been a very good experience and the edifice was amazing. We have visited some of the rooms and floors and then we started taking some photos for the project and when we have finished. We spent the other half of the day to Hill of Tara and tim castle.


To start this thay wtih we have met at the meeting point to talk about what has happened the day before, in which we had problems with some Irish teenagers.
After discussing about that, we've gone to Trinity college. We've entered in the Book of Kells and then in the Long Room. This library it's very big!  we've done a guide tour. It's been interesting and he's told us some curious facts about the university. When we have finished we were already tired, but we'va continued with our trips.
Then we've visited the museum called the Barraks Museum. It's been a bit more boring than the trip before.


Today we went to visit the Powerscourt Gardens and Glendalogh.

The place it it was very cool, and the trees and plants were very nice and of many types.
After we went to the Glendalogh's  visit. There we saw a document and we went to the lake.

The lake it was beautiful, i not have done lots of photos because I don't like very the photos but my friend love this,. and we had eaten in a restaurant, it's very expensive


Today we got up at 7:45  and went to the meeting point at 8:35.
We started the day walking with another tour through Dublin with a guide. We have visited many places and have been told very interesting things about the southern part of Dublin.

The Great Famine or the Great Hunger was a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. It is sometimes referred to, mostly outside Ireland, as the Irish Potato Famine, because about two-fifths of the population were solely reliant on this cheap crop for a number of historical reasons. During the famine, approximately one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.

When we finished the tour we went to look for the bus to go do the Gaelic sports. The sports were very dificult and  and a guy got me a goal and the ball turned against my leg, it hurt a little.


We have gone to Dublin. There we had all morning free time. After the free time, we went to the urban gardens, it was the biggest in Europe. And finally, the airport.

Our plane left at 7:00pm, and we arrived in Barcelona at 10:00pm., we arrived home and we met with our parents.

Family life:

The two were very friendly, they always asked us about the day and let us bring friends home.

Their names are sue i john they are 62 and 65 years old. Sue's hobbies are cooking and work in the garden. I john's hobbies are cars and walking.

Ireland for me

Ireland is a wonderful country, everything is green. It has a lot of culture and the people are quite friendly. We went to many interesting places full of history.

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