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First day:

Project 1:  Howth: 

  1. The most important difference is the weather, while in Barcelona sun is mostly shining, in Dublin everyday rain. 
  2. Another difference you can see it on the road, they drive on the left.
  3. Here there are a lot of houses, whereas in Catalonia are flats.
  4. One important thing of Ireland and that makes it unique is that there are a lot of green, I mean, lots of trees and grass.
  5. The last but not least is that Howth there were lots of crows.


- How many people are there living in Howth?
There are around seven thosand people living in Howth.

- What do people do for living?
As the people we asked, they told us that there is a 20% of the people that works as a fisherman.

-What can you find in Howth?
Generally, you can fins trollers, seals, markets, fish and fish shops. 

- When's the best time to visit Howth? Why?
The best season to visit Howth it's obviously summer since there is a lot of people around.

- What can you do on your free time in Howth?
You can go fishing and go seiling. You can also go to get a delicious ice cream!

Resultado de imagen de howth raining

Project 2: Malahide Castle questions:

-What famous family lived in the castle? For how long did they live there?
The Talbot family, the family of Richard talbot who granted thelands,lived in the castle for 791 years, from 1185 until 1976.

- When was the castle build?
It was build in 1175, on the 5th century.

-Name the different architectonic styles you can obseve.
The Georgian Gothic

-Write about one of the legends od the castle.
The Miles Corbet's Ghost was the third ghost in the castle. Miles Corbett recived the castle and property durign his protectorate by Cronwell. After the Restoration, Milers was deprived of his property and made to pay the penality of the many crimes he had committed, like the desencration of the chapel of the old abbey near the Castle. He was hanged and desquaertered. His apearence is like a perfectly soldier i armour, but then falls into foir pieces.

Second day: 

Project 3: Historical & Literary tour + Georgian Dublin:


Places we've visited:

- Merrion Square park/ Merrion Square road

- The edge of Steven's green

- Bram Stolker's house

- Dublin parlament, Leinster House

- Hibernia Way (shopping road)

- Castle lounge

- Dame tavern - Mercantile

- City hall

Project 4: Temple Bar:

- Take a picture of a typical Irish instrument.

- Ask someone about the typical Irish menu. How much does it cost? What are the ingredients? How is it cooked? Ask also about the tyipical drinks. 

The person we've talked to told us that a typical food are the Irish pancakes. For making those pancakes you must use the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 cups milk 
  • 1/4 stick butter 
  • 1/4 stick melted butter (for frying)
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 lemons)
  • 1/4 and 1/2 cup sugar (for serving)

- Ask someone else to sing you a verse of an Irish song.

- Ask the locals about the use of Gaelic language. When and where do they speak it? Note a couple of expressions or words. 

The same guy who told us the typical menu, said that he don't usually use the Gaelic language, but he knows it a little bit. He and his son usually use it at school or at home, but not while the routine. 
He has told us some expressions or words:

           IRISH - GAELIC:
  • Welcome - failte
  • 100.000 welcomes - cead mile failte
  • Thank you - go raibh maith agat

Third day: 

Project 6: Guinness Storehouse



Today we've been to the Guinness Store House which it's been very interesting.  What can you find in there? Do you want to learn how to make beer?

In the Guinness Store House you can find information about beer and how to create it. It's very interesting and eyes catching the way that is showed. You can taste the famous beer of Ireland only if you are major, otherwise, you can't. A part from the beer, you can also take pictures with some advertisments which are on the third floor. 

The difference between this museum and the others is that it offers different ways of learning and a big shop in which you can buy a lot of things. However, the souvenirs are too expensive.

We don't know how much it costs, but just seing all the instalations, we can imagin that is expensive. The best part of the museum, as our opinion is the third floor. There is some adverts in which you can take some pictures with. 

The main persons who go to the Guinness Store House are tourists, but there is also people from Ireland. If you're an adulth you may enjoy more your visit since you can taste the famous beer. 

The Guinness Store House is an incredible place to visit if you want to know more about the Irish culture. 


The Guinness Store House is so important for Ireland since it's a big source of tourism and economy. 
For the adulth people it's important because they can taste the famous beer of Irelands. It also is a very impressive museum which gives all sort of information about how to make beer. 
If you ask us, we would say that it's been an interesting visit otherwise we couldn't taste what all people say about this beer from Ireland. 

Project 5: Trim Castle & Hill of Tara:

1.What's the "Liberty of meath"?
The Liberty of Meath or Lordship of Meath was ans extensive seigntorial that was awaeded to hugh de Lacy by king Henry II of England in medieval ireland. The Liberty was awarded by the service of fifty knights and with almost royal authority.

2.When was the castle build?
The Trim Castle was build in the 12th century by Hugh the Lacy.

3.Why was the castle built on that specific spot?
The castle was build near the River Boyne in Trim. The river  used to the boads and other uses like the cultives. Trim was near the norman frontier, and the castle have to protect the frontier.

4.Who was Hugh de Lacy?
Hugh was the man who built the castle. He was the Lord of Meath. He born before 1135 and died in 1186. He was an Anglo-Norman landowner and royal office-holder. He also participated in the Norman Invasion of Ireland.

5.Was it hard to attack the castle? Why?
Yes it was hard because there were big walls built. Another fact that was very useful to protect it was the moat.

6.What's a moat?
A moat was a protector hole arround the castle. The hole difficult the access in the wall. The water in the deep was bery dirty and the attak soldiers infected because the the water was full of dead animals bodies.

7.Which battle took place near the castle?
It was only hit by a cannon near the castle.

8.When was the castle destroyed?
The castle it has never been totally destroyed.

9.Why was it destroyed?
We can't know because it has never been destroyed if we're straight to what the guide's has told us. 

10.What type of castle is it?
Trim Castle was a Norman Castle, the term used to categorise styles of Romanesque rchitecture developed by the Normans in the 11th and 12th centuries.

11.How was the castle defended? (Answers 5 and 6)
The first stage was a river with plants with spikes and then there was the big wall sorrounding the castle.

12.Which English king favored the invasion of the area?
There wasn´t any invasion

13.What happened between the English king and Hugh de Lacy?
was an Anglo-Norman landowner and royal office-holder. He had substantial land holdings in Herefordshire and Shropshire, in England. Following his participation in Norman Invasion of Ireland, in 1172 he was gratened the lands of the Kingdom of Meath by Anglo-Norman King Henry II, but had to gain control of them. The Lordship of Meath was then the most extensive liberty in Ireland

14.Describe the main characteristics of the castle.
Trim Castle is the largest Anglo-Norman castle in Ireland, it was built by Hugh de Lacy when he was granted the Liberty of Meath by King Henry II in 1172. Construction of the massive three storied Keep, the central stronghold of the castle, was begun in 1176 on the site of an earlier wooden fortress. This massive twenty-sided tower, which is cruciform in shape, was protected by a ditch, curtain wall and moat. Trim Castle was the location for King John's Castle in the film 'Braveheart' the 1995 historical drama directed by and starring Mel Gibson. 

Hill of Tara legend: 

One of the legends we've chosen is the following one:
It's about a men who was planning to become the king of Tara, but he only could become it if a supersticious rock chose him. 

Fourth day: 

Project 7: Barracks Muesum:

- What is the Kilmainham Gaol? Why was it relevant during the Easter Rising?
The Kilmainham Gaol was a prison where the rebels were held and where 15 leaders of the rebelion were executed. 

- What was Dubliners' attitude towards the rebels brfore and after the executions? Why did it change?
The Dubliner's weren't happy with the situation they were living. During the World War One, women had to pay to the goverment because their husbands were in the front. 
It changed because of the death of the leaders.

- What happened with the Germans on Easter Sunday?
What happened is that the Germans were supposed to give thousands of administrations and guns, but those guns were caught by the British. The relation that Ireland had with German is that they had the same enemy, England.

- Which were the key buildings during the rebellion?
The key buildings during the rebellion were: the GPO (General Post Office), the Saint Stephen's green, the Bolands Mill, the South Dublin Union and the Jacob's biscuits factory.

- After walking through the exhibition, how would you describe the role that the following people played during the Easter Rising:

  • James Connolly: He was one the leaders of the Easter Rising in 1916. He was a socialist and he was placed in a chair in the yard before being shot. He was the last of the leaders to be executed in Ireland.

  • Thomas Ashe: He was another of the leaders of Irish volunteer forces.

  • Eamon de Valera: He was a commandant of the Irish volunteer at Boland's Mill. He also was sentenced to death on 8th May 1916. He was a leader too.

  • Joseph Plunkett: The day before dying he get married with Grace Cifford in the Chapel of Kilmainham Jail.

  • Pádraig Pearse: He was one of the guys who wrote the republic's proclamation.

  • Charles Stewart Parnell: He failed while doing a politic solution for the independence of Ireland.

  • David Lloyd George: He was the Prime Minister of Britain. He also was inside of the anglo-irish treaty.

Project 8: Trinity college:

Book of Kells:

- What is it? 
It is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin, which contains the four Gospels of the New Testament together with various prefatories texts and tables. 

- What is it made of?
It's made of calf skin.

-How often do they turn a page?
Every day they turn a page.

-In what language are the four gospels of the New Testament written?
It's written in Latin..

-When and where the Book of Kells was produced?
The Book of Kells probably dates from the early 9th century and may have been begun on Iona.

-When one fact you found fascinating about it.
Is the most important thing in Ireand.

Long Room:

-How long is it?

It's 63.7 metres long, 12.2 metres wide and 14.2 metres high. 

-Name the three criteria used to classify the books in the Long Room.
The books are classified by: the alphabet, the authors and the letters on the top of the library.

-How many marble busts can you see? How many of them are women?
We can see 38 busts, but there are no woman.

-Find two philosophers of the Ancient Greece among the busts. Write their names.

       Plato                                     Socrates                           Homerus

-Take a picture next to the man who was sitting in his garden when an apple fell on his head.


- Find a 14th Century musical instrument amb take a photo of it.
A harp which is called Brian Boru Harp.

- In which famous film can you see the Long Room?
 In Harry Potter's film.

- Find the original copy of the Proclamation of Irish Republic. Take a picture with it and answer the following questions:

- Who is addressed to?
Is adressed to the people of Ireland.

- Who is it signed by?
Is signed by: Thomas J. Clarke, Sean Mac Diarmada, Thomas Mac Donagh, P. H. Pbarse, Eamonn Ceannt, James Connolly and Joseph Plunkett.

Fifth day: 

Project 9: Powerscourt Gardens & Glendalough:

Online brochure: 




We've decided to explain the legend which talks about true love. The legend says that if you go to Glendalough and you find a rock next to a church and you can hug the hole rock with your fingers you'll find true love. But this love of your life will come after one year and one day. If it's the case that you can't hug the rock, it means that you won't find true love after one year and one day, but maybe it come earlier. 

Sixth day:

Project 10: Walking tour 2:

-What do the sculptures in front of the Custom House represent? Where are they walking to?
The sculptures represents the march towards the ships in the Dublin port, to emigrrate and escape from the Famine. 

-Why does the memorial panel mention Canada?

The panel mention Canada because many of Irish people went to canada to start a new life. Canada was build by many of irish people.

-Did the Famine affect everyone the same? Why?

The Famine Didn't affect everyone the same. The Famine affected the catholic, that were the majority of the Ireland people and the poorest. The famine didn't affect much  the protestants and englis people.

-What are the so-called coffin ships?

The coffin ships were merchant ships that made money transporting the irish people. The "coffin" means that the ships were dangerous and insecures, and many people died aboard, because the ships were merchant ships, and they couldn't transport people.

-How did you feel after seeing the sculptures?

These sculptures are the most expressive sculptures that we have ever seen. The tall and slim deformed body of the statues, and their expression create a real anguish and desesperation sensations, and if you know the story, you can feel much more the feelings of these sculptures.

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