Lluís Moreno

Daily post:
First day:

The firs place we went to Howth. I went the last year and wasn't new for me. I and my friends went to the port and we ate with the birds. After that, we did the works and we shop something. When we were about to leave, we could see a couple od seals in the harbor.
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After, we went to Malahide Castle. We didn't have much time to watch the castle unfurnately, but was very beautiful.
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Finally, we met our family and my schoolmate and I went to the house.

Second day:

We did a walking tour. The guide explains the political and historical history of the city, that was very extensive. After walking 2 hours we were very tired. We lunch under the Trinity College and in afternoon we went to the Temple Bar. Although I have visited the Temple Bar, I liked so much. I love the background of this place and the concerts that were doing under the different bars. Unfurnately, we didn't have much time.
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Third day:

In the morning, we went to the Guinnes Storehouse. The outside was a bit depressing, but the inside many different. The museum was very interesting and funny, and the highest floor was an incredible view of the whole city. What made me more pity was that we could not taste the Guinness.
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After that, we went to the Trim Castle and we had lunch. Alone again we didn't much time, but the castle and the views were precious. After we did a title tour around the castle and was did a medieval weapons class, that was very interesting and the sir was very funny.
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In the last activity, we went to Hill of Tara and we watched a documentary about the hills. After we saw the hills and we did the activities.

Fourth day:

It has already  pass the middle of the week. Today, we went to visit the Trinity College. First, we did a visit with an ex-student around the college, after that we walk in other parts of Dublin with the same guide. Really I liked the attitude of the guide. Before do the walking tour around the college, we visit the book if Kells and the librarie. I has already visited last year, but de library is spectacular.
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After the visit of the Trinity College, we ate and we start to walk until the Barracks Museum. During the route, it started to rain strong and we RUN under the museum. We did a visit inside about the Easter Rising and we visited another exhibition about the war in the time.

Finally we went home.

Fifth day:

This day form me was the best day. First, we went to Powerscourt Gardens and we visit the whole garden, it was beautiful but after, we don't have enough time, again. I only had time to eat in the coffe one scone and i couldn't enjoy the gardens.
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After, we went to Glendalugh and we did the visit around the tombstones and the tower. After we walk around the lake, inside the forest. The walk was wonderful, like a fairy forest. After we have lunch in the lake and we come back to swords.
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Sixth day:

This day, was the most exhausted day. We did a walking tour about the Easter Rising and the Great Famine. We visited the statue of the Famine and we com back to the Trinity. In afternoon, we did three gaelic games. This activity were endless. After went to home, I didn't nothing, except watch two movies
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Seventh day:

The last day, I start to want to go back. We did a Treasure hunt and shopping. The treasure hunt was very long. To lunch, we went to Phoenix park, but we didn't go very far. We ate with the squirrels.
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Finally we went to the airport and went back to home.
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Family life:
Catherine Heeny (mother):
-46 years old
-She works in the aeroplane company Aerlingus.
-She likes yoga, and watch some programms on TV, like cook programms.

Andrew (son):
- 15 years old
- He is studing
- He likes to play with drones and other types of planes, and play computergames.

Ireland for me:
Ireland for me has been a bit repetitive. The last year I visited half of the places we visited this week, but it's only my problem. I enjoyed some activities like the Powerscourt gardens, the Trim Castle and, in short, all activities that relate to nature ans ancient irish history, except the Book of kells, bu it's because I saw it last year. Other activities I have found less interesting were the activities related to irish politic problems like Easter Rising. I know the relevance of these facts, but I am not interested in that. Also i wold have prefered more free time, but not morein general, I think that the activities that needed long free time didn't have it, and other that not nedded, they have it. I don't know if I want to come back. I think Ireland was a wonderful country. I like his love for the nature, the music and the people, and his weather, althrough it sounds very strange. I think I will go back other times in my life, may be to study in the Trinity College ;D.

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